The Resurrection of Jesus
The One Minute Apologist interviews special guest Mike Licona, about the facts and evidence behind the Resurrection of Christ. Just taking the facts without assumption of the Bible….. [...]
The One Minute Apologist interviews special guest Mike Licona, about the facts and evidence behind the Resurrection of Christ. Just taking the facts without assumption of the Bible….. [...]
Some recent scholars have claimed that the early Christians used the term “resurrection” for Jesus only as a metaphor that meant God had exalted Jesus in heaven or that Jesus remains alive in his [...]
The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus is a comprehensive resource for anyone looking for detailed historical evidence of the physical resurrection of Jesus. Included is an interactive CD that [...]
Michael Patton (Credo House) and Mike Licona discuss the resurrection of Jesus (Part 1 of 5)
On 25 February 2017, Mike Licona debated atheist Matt Dillahunty in Austin, TX on the question of Jesus’ resurrection.
In the study of history, primary sources are the documents and artifacts closest to the matter being investigated. They are dated very close to the events they describe. In contrast, secondary [...]
The question of the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection has been repeatedly probed, investigated and debated. And the results have varied widely. Perhaps some now regard this issue as the [...]
Here are 10 sessions addressing the Top 10 Myths about Jesus’ Resurrection:
On June 24, 2014, atheist philosopher Evan Fales (University of Iowa) and Mike Licona (Houston Baptist University) debated the question “Did Jesus rise from the dead?” This debate is in [...]
In this 5-part series, Dr. Licona provides reasons why modern scholars are virtually unanimous in their rejection of the view that the early Christians borrowed the idea of resurrection from [...]
On September 15, 2016, Mike Licona debated atheist philosophy professor Matthew McCormick at Sacramento State University. The question debated was “Does the historical evidence justify [...]
“Jesus: Resurrected or Rescued?” was a debate between Dr. Mike Licona and Dr. Shabir Ally at the University of Tennessee (Chattanooga) on April 1, 2016.
The movie “Risen” that many of us have anticipated is now showing in theaters. I just watched it with my wife, daughter, and son-in-law. I’m not going to spoil the movie for others by getting [...]